P o q e t P l u s E x p a n d e d M e m o r y M a n a g e r U s e r ' s G u i d e Revision 3.052-a July 6, 1994 This document describes the Poqet Plus Expanded Memxory Manager (PQEMM) version 1.04 that is part of release 3.052 of the Plus Series System Software. In usage syntax descriptions, optional arguments for the utilities are enclosed in brackets ("[" and "]"). The Poqet Plus Expanded Memory Manager (PQEMM) provides expanded memory support compatible with the Lotus/Intel/Microsoft (LIM) 4.0 Expanded Memory Specification, with some limitations. These limitations are explained fully in Chapter 2 of the Poqet Plus Series Technical Reference. PQEMM is loaded as a device driver in CONFIG.SYS. Usage: DEVICE=[path]PQEMM.SYS [/n:size] Parameters: path: The DOS pathname that specifies RAMDISK.SYS is located. This is usually "D:\". size: The size, in kilobytes, of the amount of memory that PQEMM is to manage. This amount of expanded memory is automatically rounded up to the next 16K page. So, for instance, if you issue the command DEVICE=D:\PQEMM.SYS /n:500 PQEMM will allocate and manage 512K of expanded memory. If the size parameter is omitted, PQEMM will allocate all available RAM for expanded memory. Notes: The maximum amount of memory available to PQEMM is 1344 KB, minus any RAM used by RAMDISK. PQEMM must be loaded after RAMDISK. RAMDISK and PQEMM share memory, so PQEMM can only manage memory left over by RAMDISK. Example: To create 1 MB (1024K) of expanded memory managed by PQEMM, place the following command line in CONFIG.SYS: DEVICE=D:\PQEMM.SYS /n:1024